
最后更新:2022.11.02来源: 河北学刊 点击数:21


【作者】 肖鹰  

【关键词】 唯情论  明代文学  汤显祖 


【内容提要】 明代文学家汤显祖主张唯情论(至情论)的文学观.对此,既往学术界的论述失之于简单地说明汤显祖在《牡丹亭记题词》等文献中关于"唯情论"的主张,而没有就其"情"的观念作具体、系统的理论阐述.本文围绕汤显祖的"世有有情之天下,有有法之天下","天下文章所以有生气者,全在奇士","世总为情,情生诗歌,而行于神"三个重要命题,对其"唯情论"文学观的核心思想作了系统阐释,并在"情"、"奇"和"神"三个层面阐述了汤显祖文论观的逻辑结构.The literary view of feeling by Tang Xian - zu was formerly discussed simply and was not de-fined concretely, systematically and theoretically. This paper focuses on the sayings of "the world as feel-ing, feeling making poems and conduct from spirit", by which Tang Xian - zu\' s view of feeling is inter-preted systematically. In addition, the logic structure of his view of feeling can be expounded from three levels of "feeling", "wonder" and "spirit".



【期号】第33卷 第4期

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