
最后更新:2022.05.20来源: 殷都学刊 点击数:15


【作者】 岳天雷  

【关键词】 治粤方略  高拱  历史评价  整饬吏治  剿倭除盗 


【内容提要】 明代嘉、隆时期,广东地区有司不良,贪贿成风,倭寇侵扰,海盗猖獗,社会动荡不安.为扭转这一局势,高拱于隆庆四年执政后,大力推行选贤任能,内外兼治,军政配合,剿倭除盗的治粤方略,并取得了"岭寇底宁"之效.对此,明清政治家和史学家给予了肯定性评价.The local officials in Guangdong province were incompetent and corrupt at the reign of Jiajing and Longqing in the Ming Dynasty with Japanese invasion and uncertainty, when Gao Gong took chair in guangdong in the fourth year at Longqing' s reign. He selected talents to administrate, rectified officials, and coordinated local government and army to defend the Japanese invasion. His extinction of Japanese invasion and the result of social stability were highly appraised by the politicians and historians in Ming and Qing Dynasty.




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