



作者:许翔曦 日期: 2015 文献类型 :学位论文
作者:许翔曦 日期: 2015 文献类型 :学位论文
描述:本文从晚明时空的思想文化观点出发,藉由汲取三教性理学中的心理自我(ego)层次,从「复性论」对性与情的定义上,理解晚明知识分子的古典心灵结构理论。在这个心灵结构理论中,划分文人心理学人与词人的自我图式,建立学人/词人的术语与批评理论,运用此方法探讨作品中的「自我论述」(ego discourse),创作主体汤显祖追求个性展现反映到创作客体「玉茗堂四梦」中精神的自我形塑的过程。一方面挖掘「四梦」作品深层的结构,同时阐明晚明三教会通下的意识型态与作为剧作家存在之「真实」之关系,以中国式思维的「和而不同」,呼应现代社会道德与艺术个体与多元价值共生的时代观。
Thinking Affection and Dream: Ego Discourse in Tang Xian-zu’s Four Dreams
作者:Syu, Siang-Si 日期: 暂无 文献类型 :学位论文
描述:This study is an attempt to apply psychoanalytic literary criticism to the analysis of classical Chinese literature. In particular, it hopes to modify post-Freudian structural theory to explain the psychic of late Ming literati. Through a study of Tang Xianzu’s Yumingtang Simeng (Four Dreams), I hope to outline his construction of the self by looking at the egoic discourses in these plays. I argue that two distinct images of the self can be discerned, namely: that of the scholar (xueren) who seeks self-perfection, and that of the muse (ciren) who seeks flamboyance. The inner structure of Four Dreams can be revealed by an application of this dualism to show how Tang’s thoughts were affected by late Ming syncretism, and how it relates to modern ideas of value-pluralism.
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