
最后更新:2022.10.31来源: 暂无 点击数:30


【作者】 回达强1,金强2  

【关键词】 关羽  雨神  战神 


【内容提要】 元杂剧《关云长大破蚩尤》是关羽崇拜形成初始阶段的标本式戏剧.此剧借助关羽战胜蚩尤的戏剧演示,完成了关羽从土地神升格为战神、雨神的加冕礼.关羽作为全能神祗的衍化亦是由此开始.Yuanzaju《GuanYu Defeats ChiYou》is a symbolizes type play in the beginning of the GuanYu worship formation. And the play completes the evolution from the god of land to the god of rain and war, with the aid of the show that GuanYu Defeats ChiYou. And from then on ,the evolution of GuanYu to a God of all powerful had began.


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