万历二十一年五月,河南境内黄河一线以南普遭水灾,加上河堤溃决,河南、山东和南直三省交界区域一片汪洋.由于国家救济不力,加上气候寒冷、草皮缺乏和疫病流行等因素,到了该年年底和次年年初,水灾演化为饥荒,饿殍盈途,盗贼猖獗,情势恶化.刑科给事中杨东明独特图画形式的呼吁、阁臣王锡爵等上下沟通的不懈努力以及钦差钟化民舍命为之的系统救济,使河南等地最终幸运地度过了劫难.灾难的发生和救济的过程既体现了明代社会变动的某些信息,也反映了在固有制度体系框架内治人因素的重要作用.In the May of the 21st Year of Emperor Wanli of Ming Dynasty, the Yellow River flooded the three provinces of Henan, Shandong and Nanzhi, making a water country of this region. By the end of the year, lack of food resulted in starvation, and many people died. Thanks to the continued efforts of such officials as Yang Dongming, Wang Xijue and Zhong Huamin (the last being the special dispatch of the Emperor), the people in the flooded area were finally relieved. The disaster and subsequent relief reflect some information about social unrest in Ming Dynasty, and also the rule by person instead of by law.